Harmful Effects of Overeating.

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Whether you’re at home or out and about, endless tasty food options and the wide availability of quick snacks make it easy to overeating.

If you’re unaware of portion sizes, overeating can easily spiral out of control and lead to various negative health consequences UFABET

One way to get this habit under control is to first understand how overeating affects your body.

1. May promote excess body fat.

Your daily calorie balance is determined by how many calories you consume versus how many you burn.

When you eat more than you expend, this is known as a calorie surplus. Your body may store these additional calories as fat.

Overeating may be especially problematic for developing excess body fat or obesity because you may be consuming far more calories than you need.

That said, overconsuming protein doesn’t likely increase body fat due to the way it’s metabolized. Excess calories from carbs and fats are much more prone to boost body fat.

To prevent excess fat gain, try filling up on lean proteins and non-starchy vegetables before eating higher carb and higher fat foods.

2. May disrupt hunger regulation.

Two major hormones affect hunger regulation — ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, and leptin, which suppresses appetite.

When you haven’t eaten for a while, ghrelin levels increase. Then, after you’ve eaten, leptin levels tell your body that it’s full.

However, overeating may disrupt this balance.

Eating foods high in fat, salt, or sugar releases feel-good hormones like dopamine, which activate pleasure centers in your brain.

Over time, your body may associate these pleasure sensations with certain foods. Which tend to be high in fat and calories. This process may eventually override hunger regulation, encouraging you to eat for pleasure rather than hunger.

Disruption of these hormones may trigger a perpetual cycle of overeating.